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File List | 1994-05-16 | 16.4 KB | 211 lines |
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- │ 34 - Program Demonstrations │
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- AOETAPES.ZIP 26733 02-02-94 Three VCR tapes from Aces over Europe.
- APOG1293.ZIP 31225 03-05-94 Apogee Software Catalog: This file
- | lists all the currently available
- | exciting programs from Apogee Software.
- ATRVESA.ZIP 1442754 02-22-94 Self-running DEMO of MicroProse's
- | upcoming "ACROSS THE RHINE," a WWII
- | armor simulator. Req: SVGA/VESA
- | Driver.
- AVDEMO.ZIP 713593 02-16-94 Auto-Vision DEMO For AutoCAD.
- BLAKMP10.ZIP 57067 03-14-94 Blake Stone mapping utility 1.0:
- | Special configuration file lets you
- | change all characters used on the maps.
- | Creates ASCII text files which can be
- | printed out. Shows items, enemies, and
- | secret passages. Includes C source
- | code.
- BMDEMO1C.ZIP 183979 03-27-94 BackMaster for OS/2: This is a DEMO
- | version of BackMaster 1.01 for OS/2. It
- | is limited to a 5 MB volume, and no
- | compression.
- BOOBYDEM.ZIP 54930 02-23-94 ZZT-Trash FleetDemo: DEMO of the new
- | ZZT game, Trash Fleet A spoof of Star
- | Trek. Join Rahman Woods, Captain of the
- | garbage space scow, BoobyPrize! Face
- | crooked Klingons and nasty Zing droids!
- CCCAN.ZIP 318967 02-04-94 Cool-Cool-Can - is a one-hour demo of a
- | Program Manager replacement. It
- | features quick graphical file viewers,
- | ZIP file support, file identification,
- | drag-and-drop functionality, and more.
- CWESTDMO.ZIP 503248 03-19-94 CWest Country Music DEMO Software 1.2:
- | An intelligent, commercial country music
- | song generator. CWest produces complete
- | copyrightable country songs with melody,
- | accompaniment (bass, piano, drums,
- | rhythm guitar, strings, with a lead
- | guitar playing melody), and a printed
- | chord chart for the song. Can listen to
- | styles but not create.
- CYBERODD.ZIP 1243571 02-02-94 Cyber Race 1.0. Demo of a futuristic,
- | virtual reality game by Syd Mead, whose
- | credits include Blade Runner, 2010, and
- | Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Cyber
- | Race is a revolutionary 3-D combat and
- | racing simulation. From CyberDreams.
- DARKLEGI.ZIP 1933421 03-13-94 Excellent, non-playable demo of the
- | upcoming Dark Legions game from SSI!
- | Done by the Future Crew, it supports
- | GUS/SB.
- DITTOHD.ZIP 135359 02-24-94 The Ditto Head Companion: DEMO.
- DOOMAPS.ZIP 29800 03-08-94 DOOM Maps Done in PCX File Format.
- DOOMDEM1.ZIP 120632 03-24-94 Recorded DEMO files to use with DOOM
- | 1.1 get to the SECRET LEVEL from LEVEL
- | THREE.
- DOOMTOUR.ZIP 33961 03-04-94 This will allow you to watch a complete
- | tour of all nine levels of DOOM. Find
- | out where the bad guys - dead bad guys -
- | are and maybe find a couple of secret
- | doors you've never seen before.
- DWRK11J.ZIP 161237 02-17-94 Demo Workshop 1.1j: Demo/Tutorial
- | Maker. Create online demos/presentations
- | using actual screens recorded in motion
- | from DOS programs. Edit the recording
- | with the presentation editor like
- | editing a movie. Cut and re-sequence
- | scenes, add pop-up menus and text
- | Windows. Special effects too! No
- | programming required. Output is .EXE
- | file with no restrictions on use.
- EXCTR12A.ZIP 793949 03-22-94 Executor/DOS 1.1 (demo). A Macintosh
- | emulator for the PC. Executor can read
- | and write Macintosh formatted high
- | density (1.4 Mb) floppies as well as run
- | Macintosh programs. This is a demo
- | copy of the program that will run for 10
- | minutes at a time. Requires: 386 or
- | better with 4 Mb RAM, VGA monitor and a
- | mouse. (1 of 3)
- EXCTR12B.ZIP 372764 03-22-94 Executor/DOS 1.1 (demo). A Macintosh
- | emulator for the PC. Executor can read
- | and write Macintosh formatted high
- | density (1.4 Mb) floppies as well as run
- | Macintosh programs. This is a demo
- | copy of the program that will run for 10
- | minutes at a time. Requires: 386 or
- | better with 4 Mb RAM, VGA monitor and a
- | mouse. (2 of 3)
- EXCTR12C.ZIP 1293901 03-22-94 Executor/DOS 1.1 (demo). A Macintosh
- | emulator for the PC. Executor can read
- | and write Macintosh formatted high
- | density (1.4 Mb) floppies as well as run
- | Macintosh programs. This is a demo
- | copy of the program that will run for 10
- | minutes at a time. Requires: 386 or
- | better with 4 Mb RAM, VGA monitor and a
- | mouse. (3 of 3)
- EXECGM11.ZIP 287262 02-23-94 256-color VGA/SB DEMO 1.2: Created by
- | the Gaming Forum - the first interactive
- | video PC Shareware Gaming magazine.
- FDF14.ZIP 347144 02-14-94 MPS Fleet Defender Pictures: DEMO.
- FOXMED1.ZIP 969627 02-10-94 Foxmed 7.0 DEMO: Medical office
- | management software. (1 of 2)
- FS5PCX.ZIP 124560 03-12-94 Some PCX photo's taken with Microsoft
- | Flight Simulator version 5.
- GKNTSOLV.ZIP 8776 02-11-94 Gabriel Knight Walk-Through.
- ICRDEMO.ZIP 1168847 02-23-94 Indy Car Racing DEMO.
- LARRY6.ZIP 9136 02-18-94 Leisure Suit Larry 6 Walk-through.
- LOTUSDRV.ZIP 440169 02-11-94 AWESOME driving game demo, worth the
- | download usable but not changeable.
- | Amazing!
- | Preliminary Guide, Fourth Revision.
- MLGP1E.ZIP 460598 02-19-94 Playable DEMO of MicroLearn Game Pack
- | Vol 1: The first commercial game pack
- | for OS/2. Two games are playable.
- | Screen shots and instructions for 8
- | other games are included.
- NOMADE.ZIP 1397513 02-03-94 Nomad game demonstration. A space
- | adventure game with fast action and
- | interesting graphics. Requires VGA.
- | Supports SoundBlaster or compatible
- | card.
- PSIDEMO.ZIP 232228 03-10-94 Demo of business software from PSI
- | Research electronic catalog of all of
- | our books, software, and Execard
- | products. PSI - Home of the Successful
- | Business Library!
- PUTMOON1.ZIP 715791 03-24-94 A delightful game for children of ages
- | 2-12 of a animated, talking car whom you
- | lead around on an adventure. Demo.
- | (1 of 2)
- PUTMOON2.ZIP 722871 03-14-94 A delightful game for children of ages
- | 1-12 of an animated, talking car whom
- | you lead around on an adventure. Demo.
- | (2 of 2)
- SILVDEMO.ZIP 1132029 03-19-94 Playable DEMO of MicroLeague's SILVER-
- | one fully playable table from the 4
- | table retail package. Awesome Graphics
- | & full Sound Support.
- SSI94_1A.ZIP 1453578 02-17-94 SSI Spring 1994 Software DEMO.
- | (1 of 4)
- SSI94_1B.ZIP 1457730 02-17-94 SSI Spring 1994 Software DEMO.
- | (2 of 4)
- SSI94_1C.ZIP 1457694 02-17-94 SSI Spring 1994 Software DEMO.
- | (3 of 4)
- SUBDEMO.ZIP 830310 02-18-94 Playable Preview of Subwar 2050.
- | Legend Ent. Company... Brought to you
- | by Chowdery from WCES 1994 in Las Vegas.
- TEMIM.ZIP 578922 03-22-94 Demo of The Even More Incredible
- | Machine direct from Dynamix/Sierra.
- | Sound card support, 10 levels.
- TFLOOR.ZIP 217731 03-02-94 Cool DOOM style texture mapping floor/
- | ceiling example - Lightning fast demo!
- TGSDEMO.ZIP 308173 02-01-94 The General Store: Interactive slide-
- | show DEMO. The Point-Of-Sale system for
- | every retailer. Supports both hard
- | goods & apparel (matrix for color/size).
- | Point of Sale supports bar code scan-
- | ning, kit sales, serialized items, cash
- | drawer management and more. Inventory
- | control supports multiple pricing
- | levels, multi-unit pricing, mills
- | pricing (fractional cents), labels.
- TIEDEM1.ZIP 1280668 02-01-94 "Tie Fighter" game demonstration. An
- | excellent, playable 3-D game demo from
- | LucasArts. (1 of 2)
- TIEDEM2.ZIP 291044 02-14-94 "Tie Fighter" game demonstration. An
- | excellent, playable 3-D game demo from
- | LucasArts. (2 of 2)
- ULTRABOT.ZIP 604646 03-09-94 Ultrabots DEMO by Novalogic.
- UNSDEMO.ZIP 504546 02-14-94 Demo from Maxis: UnNatural Selection.
- | Kind of like SimLife, but you develop
- | deadly killer mutations.
- WASH_1.ZIP 103550 03-03-94 Washington DC Screen Shot by Mallard of
- | its upcoming Wash DC scenery add on for
- | Flight Sim 5.
- WDIRSCAN.ZIP 1076099 02-01-94 DEMO of Windows-based DIR scan that can
- | find files or text in files across
- | disks.
- ZSHR05.ZIP 103512 03-09-94 The December edition of ZShare contains
- | a special review on the hot new game
- | from Apogee, Blake Stone: Aliens of
- | Gold. ZShare is filled with news and
- | reviews of the latest shareware avail-
- | able on ZiffNet. It is distributed as a
- | Windows Help file and can easily be read
- | by anyone running Windows.
- _1HHPIX2.ZIP 219823 02-05-94 Halloween Harry Slide Show: The second
- | musical slide show for the ground-
- | breaking smash hit by Apogee: Halloween
- | Harry! This game features full screen
- | 256 color VGA parallax scrolling
- | graphics, digitized music, sound
- | effects, and gameplay only seen on
- | cartridge machines!
- | is a breathtaking slide show preview of
- | the upcoming mega-hit Raptor: Call of
- | the Shadows by Apogee Software & Cygnus.
- | 256 color VGA scrolling non-stop action.
- | Support for all major sound cards in
- | this game! Fans of action shooters will
- | love this hit that's blasting your way
- | in 1994.